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Eyebrow Elixir

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Barbam’s Elixir for Ladies is an Elixir for growing new and strengthening existing eyebrow hairs.

How to use Barbams Ladies eyebrow serum?

Using Barbam’s Ladies Elixir Eyebrow Serum is very simple and won’t take much time during the day. It is enough to put 2-3 drops of serum on your fingertips and gently massage them into your eyebrows, twice a day(the best option would be morning and evening). After applying the serum, for the next four hours, do not wash your eyebrows, put on make-up, or apply any cosmetic products in order to not reduce the effect of the product. Also, the specified amount of serum is sufficient for each individual application, there is no need to apply more than three drops, because it will not contribute to a better effect.


Visible results

“The first results of applying Barbam’s Ladies Elixir serum are already visible after 3-4 weeks if the product is used regularly. The full effect is achieved within 3-4 months from the start of application.”

The condition of your eyebrows, as well as specific problems in this region (whether it is thinning of the eyebrows, or they simply do not grow, whether you have visible thinning, i.e. holes in a certain part of the eyebrows and similar) also play a part in the effectiveness of the product.